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Brown County commissioners decided to continue the partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Group for county workers.
Brownwood News reported the renewed plan, which features a non-grandfathered agreement, is slated to begin on Oct. 1. While employees will have to pay more money out of pocket, they’ll make up for it by saving on their drug card. At the same time, the plan costs the county roughly $50 less per employee.
Commissionaers also OK'd a $10,700 budget for a Tower Structural Analysis Survey.
The commissioners have yet to solidify a plan with the TrueCore Behavioral lease of The Oaks Juvenile Facility in Brown County to Rite of Passage. Even though TrueCore has a little more than three years left on its five-year agreement with Texas, it reportedly wanted to end things early.
Commissioners also have yet to make a decision on the Burn Ban and whether it will bar fireworks for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.