American Academy Of Pediatrics
Recent News About American Academy Of Pediatrics
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Updates Guidance on School Safety Amid Pandemic
As U.S. schools reach the mid-year of teaching classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics has updated its guidance for school safety based on the latest research.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: AAP Policy Details Growing Child Life Services at Hospitals, Clinics and, Now, Camps
Child life programs, which help doctors and nurses engage children, from infants to teens, through play, talk and other tools to prepare children for health care and recovery, are growing across the country as research shows these programs are effective in delivering care and containing costs.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: COVID-19 Interim Guidance: Return to Sports
Approximately 35 to 45 million youth 6 to 18 years of age participate in some form of athletics.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics: Fluoride Remains a Powerful Tool to Prevent Tooth Decay
The most common chronic disease of early childhood is responsible for millions of school hours lost each year due to illness -- and it is largely preventable.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics: How Pediatricians Can Support Families of Children Who Are Adopted, Fostered or in Kinship Care
Hundreds of thousands of children and adolescents enter the U.S. child welfare system each year, whether through foster care, adoption or placement with relatives.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: AAP Unveils Transition Plan for Biden-Harris Administration
Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) unveiled the Transition Plan: Advancing Child Health in the Biden-Harris Administration, which outlines specific policy recommendations to support our nation's children and their futures.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Reports Highest One-Week Increase in Child Cases of COVID-19 Since Onset of Pandemic
The surge in COVID-19 cases across the country is impacting children in unprecedented levels, according to data compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Association, which are tracking data reported by state health departments.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Interim Guidance on Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic; Child Care Interim Guidance is Updated
The COVID-19 pandemic has exhausted families and upended routines, posing new challenges for children and adolescents who are struggling with existing or emerging behavioral and emotional health issues. Yet children are resilient, especially when they have the right supports in place.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Interim Guidance on Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic; Child Care Interim Guidance is Updated
The COVID-19 pandemic has exhausted families and upended routines, posing new challenges for children and adolescents who are struggling with existing or emerging behavioral and emotional health issues.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Issues Clinical Report on Care of HIV-exposed Infants
The American Academy of Pediatrics updates its guidance on evaluating and managing medical care for infants exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in a newly published clinical report in Pediatrics.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Leading Children's Health Groups Urge Lawmakers and Administration to Address Troubling Trends in Children's Uninsurance
Leading children's health groups are urging comprehensive and immediate action by Congress and the Administration to protect and improve access to health care coverage for all children.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Journalist Jacob Soboroff describes reporting painful policy of child separation
In June 2018, NBC News and MSNBC correspondent Jacob Soboroff found himself at the epicenter of a story on the separation of children and their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Calls for Inclusion of Children in Research on Potential COVID-19 Vaccines
In a letter to federal health officials this week, the American Academy of Pediatrics urged transparency, scientific rigor, and the inclusion of children in trials for a safe and effective vaccine against the COVID-19 virus.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Offers Tips for a Safe Halloween During Pandemic
Choosing costumes, decorating pumpkins, and receiving special treats brings joy to many children at Halloween. While Halloween may be different this year because of the COVID pandemic, there are ways to celebrate some of these favorite traditions, while being careful to keep everyone safe.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Clinical Report: Differentiating Infant Head Shape Abnormalities
The American Academy of Pediatrics in a new clinical report describes infant head shape abnormalities and treatment, detailing the differences between a common condition, positional plagiocephaly, and more severe diagnoses that require surgical intervention.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Clinical Report: Differentiating Infant Head Shape Abnormalities
The American Academy of Pediatrics in a new clinical report describes infant head shape abnormalities and treatment, detailing the differences between a common condition, positional plagiocephaly, and more severe diagnoses that require surgical intervention.
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics: Live Crisis Drills in Schools Require Careful Planning With Pediatricians’ Input on Children’s Needs
American Academy of Pediatrics: Live Crisis Drills in Schools Require Careful Planning With Pediatricians’ Input on Children’s Needs
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: American Academy of Pediatrics Opposes HHS Action on Childhood Vaccines; Calls It ‘Incredibly Misguided’
American Academy of Pediatrics Opposes HHS Action on Childhood Vaccines; Calls It ‘Incredibly Misguided’
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: AAP Apologizes for Past Racism Against Black Pediatricians
Policy statement reckons with painful history regarding “shameful gauntlet to membership” of first Black pediatricians to AAP; commits to bylaws amendment to codify non-discriminatory membership criteria
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Pediatricians, Educators and Superintendents Urge a Safe Return to School This Fall
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Education Association (NEA) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, join together today in the following statement on the safe return of students, teachers, and staff to schools: